Together we can make this happen!

THANK YOU for your interest in sponsoring our annual Clt EdgeFest. We can't wait to work with you!

Why donate or sponsor?

We are a 501(c)3 Non-Profit driven completely by a small group of community volunteers. Your donations are imperative to our mission.

We provide each artist of all types, funds granted for their time & energy.

We provide all the paint, canvases, materials, etc. for the artists & festival participants to create.

We provide funds granted for sound & light technicians.

Most importantly the events are free for participants to increase our community’s accessibility to the arts.

If you are reading this, you have shown interest in donating to or sponsoring the Charlotte Street Art Collaborative Inc.

Please review the following options and select one by filling in the circle & indicating any additional requests (requests will be reviewed & sponsorship &/or donation will be accepted should we be able to facilitate said request).

Details of each level of sponsorship &/or donation can be found on the sponsorship information page here.

Payment can be received via check, Zelle, PayPal, CashApp, or Venmo

Ways to donate: